Saturday, 27 March 2010

Miss Dorothea and Stanley Joseph Evans are wed and produce twin daughters!

Dorothea Rozycki and Stanley Joseph Evans were wed (there were no wedding photos passed down unfortunately)and after many tries produced twin daughters Muriel and Angela Evans in February (22nd)1944. They were born during an air raid in Chiswick Hospital London England.

Dorothea and Stanley lived in Ealing (a leafy suburb of London UK)and moved to a large rented apartment over a corner store 141 Loveday Road (it has now been turned into 3 very nice small cottages).

Part of that rental agreement was to let a Miss Hartley (retired cook to the Oppenheimer family!)live in one of the rooms. The twins called her "Auntie" Hartley and she used to invite us in to her room for tea with bread and butter and Marmite sandwiches and tales of her life "in service". This picture was taken in her employer's garden.

The above photo taken when the twins were two and a half years old was sent to the Home Chat magazine and was subsequently published. Muriel is on the left and Angela on the right! It was taken at the Day Nursery in Ealing 1946/7.

The twins grew up happy despite their father working away in his home country of Wales. Stanley loved his time with his daughters and would take them to the beautiful parks nearbye, Lammas Park and Walpole Park - both still there and still lovely green areas with very nice gardens. Dad took us to the library regularly and read to us in the Rose Garden and taught us how to swim in the Public Swimming Baths in Ealing Broadway.

Stanley with Muriel and Angela in one of the Ealing local parks.

The twins loved the parks and as they grew they were allowed to go there alone (probably around 10 years of age!).

The photo below shows them older probably around 6 or so with a friend.

The twins grew up with their cat Montgomery (named after the Field Marshall - fondly known as "Monty" here is a photo of Muriel holding this part persion tabby!
Around this time (probably around 1953/4 the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth happened and the twins were very involved in the Loveday Road Street Party - everyone had a party on every street with lots of flags and food! Dorothea and Stanley also decided to take in students through the English Speaking Union in London and had several students from Africa with names like Emmanual and John and Isaac and Kamal Fazel from Tehran Iran who remained a long time friend for many years.

Monday, 22 March 2010

More Rozycki and later Evans family pics

Pictures of Mum Dorothea's sister Veronica who I believe modelled 1932-35 a very attractive young woman who died too young.

Here is another photo of Veronica in what looks like evening dress - definitely model calibre!

1930 Muriel's Mum Dorothea met Stanley always the charmer at a posh Country Club they were working at - here he is with Dorothea (on the left) and a colleague.
The Country Club was called The Effingham Golf and Country Club in Surrey and here is a piccie of it today! It is still going strong - apparently it was founded in 1927. Beautiful location and quite near where several friends of mine live - what a coincidence!!

Here is Dorothea all decked out in pale blue chiffon dress with a deep coffee lace straw hat - at the Golf Club above!! Circa 1931. Muriel's Mum titled this "Miss Dorothea"!

Here are a couple more piccies of the Rozycki family - one of Minnie in her later years with Dorothea's brother Cyril and friend in 1933
and one of Granma Minnie and Dorothea and a friend

at Westcliff on Sea not sure of the year?

Evans/Rozycki Early Pics1900s

Muriel Westmorland(nee Evans Canada) has decided to blog her family tree (contributions by brother-in-law John Clements in Australia) plus photos collected of her grandmother, and mother and father.

This photo is of Stanley Joseph Evans on the extreme right with his stepmother Martha and father Samuel Evans and brother Evan Evans to the extreme left and Evan's son Ieuan as the small boy - taken probably around early 1900s in Trefil South Wales.

The picture below is of Muriel's grandmother Minnie nee Uren who married Vernon Alexander Rozycki. It was her second marriage. Her daughter Olive is the tallest girl from a previous marriage and Muriel's Mum Dorothea Wilhelmina is the little girl at the bottom of the photograph. Dorothea's sister Veronica is on the left. Probably taken around 1914 in East London

The next photo is a copy of one that my brother-in-law John gave me. It is a picture of Minnie with Olive (the older girl on the left and Veronica on the right and Dorothea in her arms. The type of row house is the same today. Apparently it was made into a postcard and Minnie sent it to her mother in Cornwall reminding her to write!

The next photo is of
Muriel's grandfather in his
army uniform. Vernon Alexander Rozycki was a Sapper in the First World War and eventually died of Trench fever. He was fluent in 5 languages including Esperanto and was a proof reader for the The Times International Correspondance. Here is a close up of Grandfather Rozycki.