Dorothea Rozycki and Stanley Joseph Evans were wed (there were no wedding photos passed down unfortunately)and after many tries produced twin daughters Muriel and Angela Evans in February (22nd)1944. They were born during an air raid in Chiswick Hospital London England.
Dorothea and Stanley lived in Ealing (a leafy suburb of London UK)and moved to a large rented apartment over a corner store 141 Loveday Road (it has now been turned into 3 very nice small cottages).

Part of that rental agreement was to let a Miss Hartley (retired cook to the Oppenheimer family!)live in one of the rooms. The twins called her "Auntie" Hartley and she used to invite us in to her room for tea with bread and butter and Marmite sandwiches and tales of her life "in service". This picture was taken in her employer's garden.

The twins grew up happy despite their father working away in his home country of Wales. Stanley loved his time with his daughters and would take them to the beautiful parks nearbye, Lammas Park and Walpole Park - both still there and still lovely green areas with very nice gardens. Dad took us to the library regularly and read to us in the Rose Garden and taught us how to swim in the Public Swimming Baths in Ealing Broadway.

Stanley with Muriel and Angela in one of the Ealing local parks.
The twins loved the parks and as they grew they were allowed to go there alone (probably around 10 years of age!).
The photo below shows them older probably around 6 or so with a friend.

The twins grew up with their cat Montgomery (named after the Field Marshall - fondly known as "Monty" here is a photo of Muriel holding this part persion tabby!